Monday, October 25, 2010

"The Sims 3" Characteristics of impact event list (all)

To make the game more convenient for players, where a total of 63 games finishing the characteristics of events. Should be basically complete the.


- Logic, accelerated learning

- Like chess and thinking depth under the accelerated upgrade


Born chef:

- Cooking skills, accelerated learning

- Easy to make high-quality food

- Cooking will not cause a fire


Easily excited:

- The completion of some basic action in life will be very excited and yelling (easier to get from the expectation to meet)


- Repair objects will not fail

- Smart accelerated learning skills

- Effect of increased maintenance and repair items are ever the same with the new

Green Thumb:

- Accelerated learning gardening skills

- Easy to make crops grow high quality fruit


- Gardening skills to some extent the plant after the resurrection could wither


- Will become increasingly forgetful, forget what they are doing and what to do

銆??鐤媯锛?br />
- Tiaoyi Fu will be completely ignored when the occasion to pick out their clothes pleasing to the eye

銆??-鏈熸湜骞朵笉姘歌繙閮芥槸鍚堢悊鐨勶紝浼氭湁涓?簺鑾悕鍏跺鐨勬湡鏈涘嚭鐜?br />
- Click your Sims will be "himself" option


- Occasionally out of control


- Extend the time required for the release of pressure, but can be simulated with other people through dialogue and select "share the pressure" to release pressure quickly

- Will not feel sad or angry, only nervous


- Read faster

- Access to entertainment when reading the index to increase

- Easier to write high-quality novel

- Speeding up the completion of homework

- Learning skills in the library reading speed increase

There art:

- Good at drawing, and painting faster and better

- Writing skills, accelerated learning

- Accelerated learning guitar

- Like staying Gallery


- In any emergency incident will not panic

- Can easily cope with a house fire

- No need to rely on the police can deal with thieves

- Military and law enforcement in the performance of better career

銆??涓嶅垢锛?br />
- Encounter all kinds of misfortune, such as fire, theft, failure, what damage will lose everything ... ... In short what might be lost

Can not stand art:

- When viewing any work of art are likely to have negative mood index

- Like living in any home decoration

Music Master:

- Play the guitar skills to learn more quickly

- Out performances will be more tips

Computer genius:

- Night (20:00) after the can to hacking, to gain money

- Like to play computer games

- The computer easier to make friends

- When the computer to play chess, logic skills, faster upgrades


- Pack order will automatically go to clean things, it will automatically wash their hands after

- Will get clean fun, and will clean up better

- In a bad mood can also go to clean up (without this feature, will not clean up bad mood)

Never naked:

- Even in the bath is not going to take off clothing (would be wearing a swimsuit)




- Even with the noise of music and children still asleep

- Even if a house fire or a thief invasion also still asleep ... ...


- Have gains in business is easy



- Can not easily be robbed


- Very easy to make dirty, do not take the initiative to clean up anything, but even in dirty environments and will not fall mood

- Lick the plate can reduce hunger ... ...

銆??-鍚冨彉璐ㄦ垨鐑х劍鐨勪笢瑗夸篃涓嶄細鍧忚倸瀛愨?鈥?br />

- Do not agile, easy to spoil things, burning food, so that the collapse of other people around


- Motor Learning faster

銆??-閿荤偧鏃朵笉鏄撴劅鍒扮柌鍔?br />
- Love to talk about sports


- Afraid of the dark, to the place where no light will be bad mood

銆??-涓嶅枩娆㈣鍏朵粬浜哄悡鍞?br />
- Of an emergency may escape

Light sleep by:

- It could easily be awakened

- Once a thief will immediately close to the bounce from the bed

TV fans:


銆??-鐪嬬數瑙嗘墍鑾峰緱鐨勫ū涔愭寚鏁板鍔?br />
- Like the lie-in

- Firmly resist Sports

Do not like children:

- Surrounded by children will be poor when the mood

- Ignore the child's interactive requirements

- The child will automatically "Hush go"


- Like to gloat

銆??-涔拌吹閲嶄笢瑗夸細鑾峰緱濂藉績鎯?br />
- Look in the mirror will be an additional incentive mood index

- Like in a room filled with mirrors

Networking skills and sophisticated by:

- Communication with the boss and colleagues will be more closely degree increase

- Increase the boss and colleagues with the option to chat

銆??-涓庡叾浠栦汉浜ゆ祦鏃跺鍔犫?璧炵編鈥濅笌鈥滃鎵库?鐨勯?椤?br />

銆??鍙嬪杽锛?br />
- Others were "friendly" class effect of the interaction request better

- Other people will not repeat the tired topic

銆??璋冩儏锛?br />

- Flirting is more easily acceptable to others

- The effect of massage to enhance others

銆??鎺ュ惢楂樻墜锛?br />
- Kissing ability to surge

Mooch master:

- Have the opportunity to take money from others

- Go to someone's home when the opportunity to easily take away food in the fridge

銆??-鏈夋満浼氭嬁鍒颁粬浜鸿韩涓婃垨鎵嬮噷鐨勯鐗?br />
銆??鎬ф儏鏆磋簛锛?br />
- Get up every morning will be severely upset

- Difficult to obtain a good mood

銆??鍧忓績涓嬫祦锛?br />
- Enemies more, the merrier

- Usually win a fight


銆??-鐙鏃跺績鎯呮渶浣筹紝涓斾細鑾峰緱鈥滀韩鍙楀鍗曗?鐨勯澶栧績鎯呮寚鏁板姞鎴?br />
- Social index fell hard

- Like play time in their bedroom, and not go to public places

No mood:

- Never take the initiative to flirt, unless very much like each other

Excellent sense of humor:

- Jokes people laugh more easily

- Relationships jokes to increase more


- Always insult others

- Always dressed in a number of occasions the occasion of the clothing is not suitable

- Can advance a "kiss", "tickle" and even "marry" and other actions

- Increased interaction with others "ridicule" option

Did not play:

- Later than the ordinary people dare to make some moves close to others

- Difficulties at work on Xiangtiao Cao

Lack of sense of humor:

銆??-涓嶅枩娆㈢瑧璇?br />
Running lie master:

- Organize banquets, called Who, who would have to

- Come to the party of the people there have to bring some gifts

- Banquet process with others to "cheering" that an interaction


銆??-鎵嬫皵寰堣儗锛屽共浠?箞鐮镐粈涔堬紝鏀嚎浠诲姟鐨勬垚鍔熺巼灏扁?鈥?br />
Hopeless romantic:

- Others more receptive to your romantic

- Are in the middle of a lot like the romantic, the mood will be good

- Like to read romantic novels


- On any matter will leave a deep impression, you see a scene and see a house that a person will get a good mood

Unease at:

銆??-韬瀹ゅ灏变細鑾峰緱濂藉績鎯?br />
- Effects of fishing and gardening skills to increase

銆??鍠勮壇锛?br />
- Tap the door of the mailbox will automatically contribute to charity

- Do not want to deal with the malicious act of others



銆??-鍋氱殑澶ч儴鍒嗕簨鎯呰姣旀櫘閫氫汉鍋氬緱濂斤紝浣嗚姳璐圭殑鏃堕棿涔熸洿澶氫竴浜?br />

- Easy to make a high level of cuisine

- Easy to write a novel high

銆??榄呭姏婊$偣锛?br />
- Charm skills to increase learning speed

- Other people prefer to say you

銆??-璇磋瘽缁濅笉浼氳浜烘劅鍒版棤瓒?br />
- Easier to make friends


- Like to play toy for children, and will be a good mood

- More like something interesting

- Fishing in pond


- Easier to get a promotion and pay rise

- In the course of their work will be "like work" mood index plus the additional

- A computer at home can work

銆??鎰熸儏涓板瘜锛?br />
- Easier to find the beauty of life, and even crying tears of pleasure

- More vulnerable to the impact of mood index

Technology products discomfort:

- Watching TV is not happy

- Fear of computer

- To smash the electronic products ... ...

銆??鏄撴?锛?br />
- Do not feel sad or uncomfortable, replaced by - rage

- What can I do to break things or will let you mess with your rage


- Born with the habit of stealing

Hate Outdoor:

- Once the door step there will be "tortured by nature," the mood index, resulting in a good mood

- Like indoor activities


- Will be "vegetarian" means the additional cooking

- Is said to live longer ... ...

Emboldened by:

- Normal activities can become extreme

- Like playing with fire, but will promptly extinguished before causing an accident


- To collect coupons from the newspaper

- When shopping with coupons will be given "access discount" mood plus additional

- Buy discount items will become good mood


- Unfortunately, near the other person, you will feel very happy

- The room did not light it does not matter

- Distinguished career in crime

銆??-鍦ㄦ墦鏂椾腑缁忓父浼氬叏韬?閫?br />

- Better results with family members to exchange

- Good education, infant

- Desire to have children and grandchildren


- You want promoted, and rose rapidly


- Because life-long dreams and happiness to increase access to


- Fishing fishing faster

- Fishing will be fun

銆??-鍦ㄥ帇鍔涗箣涓嬩篃鑳介挀楸?br />
- More and more like fishing!


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Out of "diseconomies of scale" retail cycle ice BI

Escape from the "scale of economy" cycle

After beginning to take shape when the information systems, retail store sales data every day, holding forth together to the headquarters, day and night to devour the server's disk space. But the data is not used, the more the more garbage. How to make real-time data about the key operation, so that the leaders in the data that crisis and opportunity behind, become the forefront of information technology at the local retail business in general focus.

In the supermarket, when the salesgirl scanned after you buy the goods, POS machines will show some information, then a friendly salesperson will ask you: "We have a disposable paper cup is a promotion in the F6 shelves, do you want to buy ? "At this point, you may be surprised to say:" ah, thank you, I just could not find a cup. "

This is the support of Wal-Mart in the BI system to achieve the "lean marketing" of an example. Even if the computer system as early as good, if customers cart napkins, large bottles of Coke and salad, then the possibility needs to buy 86% of disposable cups. Provide the decision support is its located in the United States, a huge, worldwide via satellite and store real-time connectivity to all enterprise data warehouse.

If its attention to the local retail industry, is likely that most consumers do not have such a shopping experience. Although, this line like Suning Appliance has BI into the large retail business, but everything was just a starting point for most local retailers, and even still to mention the start, let alone high-level BI applications based on the.

And this situation can also Teradata data warehouse provider in China in recent years, retail business development situation to see a little inkling. Although it is difficult to obtain Teradata's sales data in China, but one thing is certain, the company's retail expansion in domestic and foreign form a very sharp contrast, even with the domestic, retail and other sectors of the contrast It is fairly obvious. Teradata is a provider of retail data warehouse started, has been more than half the world's hundred retailers in the bag to enter the Chinese market over the past decade, although it approached constantly and local retailers, but so far few have a single floor; in the domestic telecommunications and financial industries, Teradata's sales are impressive.

Escape from the "scale of economy" cycle

Local retailers do not need BI? Obviously not. On the local retail business, "diseconomies of scale" and criticized, from time to time in the last two years, brought by the industry, but data supporting this assertion abound. From 2003 made by Tsinghua University SEM report on "Foreign large-scale retail enterprises more competitive research" paper can get a lot of strong support for the data.

In 2003, local retail businesses achieved sales growth of 39.4% on average, one to Beijing Wu Mart topped the growth rate of 76.3%, while the average growth rate of foreign enterprises is only -0.7%, the fastest-growing Wall Ma also only 11.7%; the same time, local enterprises to increase the speed of the average sales area of 36.5%, much higher than the 4.2% foreign enterprises, including the fastest-growing Suning growth rate 67.9%, far higher than Waugh Erma 8%, fully reflects the scale of the local retail industry in recent years, rapid development momentum.

However, from the profit perspective, local retailers profit growth on average only 17.1%, lower than the foreign enterprises 23.1%. Combined with local companies to increase sales growth and business area growth rate of these two indicators, in terms of average or optimal value terms, the average level of foreign enterprises are 6 to 9 times; and profit growth was lower in foreign enterprises. To some extent this reflects the scale of China's retail enterprises have expanded rapidly, but more extensive operation, costs, expenses have not been effectively controlled, so profit growth.

In practice, Wal-Mart to shop on behalf of foreign companies is not high speed. 60s in the 20th century, 8 years, Wal-Mart's shop rate is an average of 2 to 3; 70 years in the 20th century, the average annual increase of 26; in the 20th century, 80's, the average annual increase of more than 100; 90 years in the 20th century, the average annual increase of more than 200. Although the increase in the number of stores each year well over sixties and the seventies, but the percentage increase was smaller than in the past.

Today, a few years ago, the data reflected in the domestic retail enterprises in China, "diseconomies of scale" phenomenon has not been substantially changed. Because of this, the most intense battle in the expansion of home appliance chain, with the leader of Suning Appliance and GOME are beginning to shift the focus of competition benefits a single store, rather than simply the scale of expansion. Suning Appliance Following the success of last year spent 80 million on-line SAP / ERP system, this year in June, but also with the IBM Corporation in the ERP system optimization, data mining, analysis, enterprise SOA platform, financial organizations, optimization, human resources training, member services, storage distribution and other projects to cooperate. Suning Appliance's efforts in this regard has been very good return, after adjustment for 2006, management improved results in the fourth quarter of 2006 reflected a single quarter expense ratio compared with the same period in 2005 a sharp decline. In addition, management improvements also enhance the effectiveness of a single shop. One-quarter results in 2007: a simple weighted single-store sales up 24.65 million yuan, up 10 percentage points; simple weighted income per unit area of 6,000 million, up 15%. Multiple disabilities to be a breakthrough

Since objectively speaking, the domestic help of local retailers in general requires meticulous management BI technology, but why delay a substantive step? China Chain Store & Franchise Association Information Technology Committee and deputy director, Vice President of Beijing E-Commerce at the same time as the Chinese company Wincor Nixdorf Retail Systems Division General Manager Yang Dehong explained from two aspects of the reasons.

First of all, Yang Dehong that, in the sense to make some adjustments for local retail business leaders who might be a more effective way. For example, he said, in today's retail business, whether domestic or foreign, good manager is very scarce. However, faced with such a problem in practice on domestic and foreign retail enterprises but there is a big difference, reflecting domestic and international retailers using cutting-edge information technology to solve business problems of consciousness between. In general, local retailers will be paid through the recruitment, training, and even the traditional way, step by step master train an apprentice train a good manager.

In fact, very risky to do so, not only took too long - to develop a qualified manager usually takes several years or even longer, and, if the personnel selection errors, is likely to spend time, money, and after can not train a qualified manager. Even if the train a qualified manager, then the experience is also extremely difficult to copy.

Correspondingly, according to Yang Dehong introduction of foreign retailers is usually a good practice is to store manager to deal with every day issues, as well as the best process to address these issues, through abstraction, induction into the enterprise information system. Thus, even a limited level of manager, the best process in accordance with the daily affairs, with the result although not necessarily the best, but certainly not bad. Do not only protect the manager of the management of all uniform, and some stores will not be outstanding performance, while some shops make ends meet the situation. Moreover, companies do not need the long process of cultivating talent.

"Most of the retail business, whether domestic or new product into the store site, whether it is in full use of information as a basis for the case to make it? Clearly, retailers have not land to dig deeper value of IT systems." Yang Dehong that consumers get from any data, are business resources and capital, while the current system of retail enterprises, collected data on consumer research functions of small retail businesses in the information they need process in the make up and perfect.

Yang Dehong The second obstacle is the data analysis methods. And BI is a business closely related to the application layer, so a different business model in the analysis, process and so will there is a big difference. Therefore, many methods require personalized support, this and closely related to the enterprises themselves. Therefore, Yang Dehong that even if the foreign retail enterprises mature BI system copy to domestic enterprises, the application is unlikely to produce the same effect. To ASN (Advance Shipment Notices, advance shipping notice) system, for example, in foreign countries, mainly through analyzing the system supplier orders and other information, timely dispatching warehouse, transportation, distribution and other related resources to improve efficiency and realize Careful management of goods. Although some domestic retailers ASN also launched its own system, but application has been changed, ASN become a supplier of retail assessment tools, such as whether the agreed delivery time, and so on. Urgent need to improve the ability of endogenous growth

In addition, there is no extensive data for analysis of high-quality retail and enterprise applications is a major obstacle to BI systems. Teradata Data Warehousing Division, Greater China CEO Wu Fu World in the question why the delay in local retail enterprises start to deploy the data warehouse made: In the past few years, despite China's domestic retail business of information technology has made remarkable results, but so far, compared with international peers, the overall level of information is still not high, the system construction is still in the exploratory stage, many aspects of the design is not comprehensive. This has resulted in the current retail business information system to replace the high frequency, very few systems use more than 5 years, generally three to four years would have to replace the new system has. This resulted in many historical data is lost or damaged, data of poor quality and not rich. So even if the data warehouse system may also face the dilemma of no data available for analysis.

Yang Dehong in the interview made a similar point of view, he believes that many retailers currently in data collection on information systems are inadequate, resulting in data analysis, no start. He also, for example, there is little information system to mineral water bottle of the type, appearance and other information collection storage, and there was little to link the system's features can capture pen down, so, for the consumer propensity to consume in this area analysis has no way to start the.

Ice or in front of

"In the past, department store business advocate goods first, but now is shifting customer first." CIO Building Beijing Cui Wei High photosensitive CIO at the Fourth China Forum on retail clients stressed the importance for retailers. High photosensitive believes that only through the information system of data analysis, we can more fully understand and better customer service.

CRM BI technology just is an important area. He has served as a domestic supermarket chain private enterprise CIO and Technology Co., Ltd. Fuji Cyclones senior consultant Lin Jing retail information technology experts believe that the card voucher system from the early application to today's customer-centric marketing concept precision, the domestic retail enterprises understanding of the CRM has experienced more than a decade long journey. After beginning to take shape when the information systems, retail store sales data every day, holding forth together to the headquarters, day and night to devour the server's disk space. But the data is not used, the more the more garbage. How to make real-time data about the key operation, so that the leaders in the data that crisis and opportunity behind, become the forefront of information technology at the local retail business in general focus.

Then, using data mining, intelligent analysis, so that play huge data-driven and value of the energy marketing business, the retail industry is gradually becoming the new trend of IT applications. In addition, some data warehouse provider, the price began to break the ice, introduced to allow the low margin retail business features for the industry to accept the low-cost data warehouse. Perhaps this will retail ice-breaking journey BI applications provide a new impetus. Information technology through ongoing, Suning has received to improve the management of returns.

Some industry leaders have also taken a lead, set a benchmark for other companies. Some retailers have already made in data mining attempts, they are no longer just the use of information technology to capture sales information for inventory management and supplier relationship management, but try to enter the information for marketing and higher stage. It is understood that Cuiwei building now has a variety of VIP membership card a few hundred thousand copies in their mass and effective use of information, and conducting customer relationship management, through system integration, development of a general statement, data mining, data model and a variety of graphical analysis, for each marketing campaign, based on an analysis of marketing information to determine the scope, intensity and time, with minimal marketing costs to create the best value for money.

In fact, according to Wu Fu World presentations, industry competition is promoting the application of BI technology, an important driving force. Previous years, retailers have been expanding in size among the competition, but also rarely involve the management of the competition, and now, with the expansion of the scale, the management is difficult to obtain timely management of all store data, relevant statistics lag. In particular, some major retail groups are not independent from the market, established businesses, but doping with excessive administrative interference, causing part of the integrated subsidiary of the retail group between the various sub-modules a dubious, seemingly one, but actually their own way - Information can not be shared, the data can not be integrated, distribution can not be unified. Thus, to improve management and reduce costs, integrate the upstream supply chain, will become the retail business for some time in the future to face the challenges of survival.

If, in the past 5 years, the focus of competition among retailers is limited in-store competition for resources; then in the "diseconomies of scale" phenomenon is expressed increasingly prominent when, in the next five years, retail business competition The focus will shift to rely on information technology to improve management and reduce the cost up.

Information infrastructure for the backwardness and weakness of information awareness, Wu Fu World that the local retail business in the front line, this obstacle is being gradually break. He said the retail sales in the first 10 enterprises have already basically have the deployment of enterprise-class data warehouse based on conditions.

Comment: urgent need to improve the endogenous capacity for increase

In the "scale of economy" status, many enterprises have tasted the blind expansion, do not pay attention to the consequences of endogenous growth, expansion of a number of supermarket chains face the cold. For example, Century Mart closed in Shijiazhuang, Shenyang and Guangzhou, some of the stores; Tianjin Home World Group in the expansion of the capital chain problems, the have to sell their home and some supermarket chains, in March this year, in turn the world's supermarkets sold to the whole of China Resources Group, withdrew from the supermarket retail industry. With the expanding number of retailers eager to experience the cold expansion, a number of industry sources, retailers need to reconsider the issue bigger or stronger, than simply the scale of expansion, emphasizing endogenous growth is more long-term health strategy.

Thus, to the refinement of the core BI management has become a local retail enterprises to enhance endogenous growth forces an important tool. Objectively speaking, China's domestic retail business has to have attention to BI application stage. Lin Jing in the past year, a systematic study on the retail CRM after that, if the "customer-based precision marketing" smart CRM comparison to GPS (global positioning system), the local retail industry, small and large ships and fleet, it is possible no one is equipped with GPS, but still use the old "compass." A "Compass" encounter "GPS", local retailers and foreign large-scale retail enterprises is an unequal fight for survival.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

High-quality C + + / C Programming Guide - Chapter 11 references the experience of other programming

Chapter 11 Other programming experience

11.1 Use const to improve the robustness of the function

See the const keyword, C + + programmers first thought may be constant const. This is not a good reflex. If you only know the definition of constants with const, then the equivalent of the powder is only used to make firecrackers. const more attractive is that it can modify the function parameters, return values, and even the definition of the function body.

const is a constant of the abbreviation, "constant" means. Const everything was modified by the force protection, to prevent accidental changes to improve the process robustness. Therefore, many C + + programming book proposal: "Use const whenever you need".

11.1.1 Modified function with const parameters

If the parameter for the output to use, no matter what it is data type, and whether it uses "pointer passed" or "passing reference" can not add const modified, otherwise the argument will lose output.

const can only modify the input parameters:

u If the input parameter a "pointer passed", then add const modified to prevent accidental changes to the pointer, has protective effects.

For example StringCopy function:

void StringCopy (char * strDestination, const char * strSource);

One strSource are input parameters, strDestination is output parameter. Add const to strSource modified, if the statement is trying to change the function body strSource content, the compiler will point out the error.

u If the input parameter used "value transfer", because the function will automatically generate temporary variables for the replication of the parameters, the input parameters would have no need to protect, so do not add const modified.

For example, do not function void Func1 (int x) written as void Func1 (const int x). Similarly do not function void Func2 (A a) written void Func2 (const A a). Where A is a user-defined data types.

u for non-internal data type parameters, such as void Func (A a) the efficiency of such comparative statement of the function bound to the end. Because the function body will have a temporary object of type A for the replication parameters a, and the construction of temporary objects, copy, destructor will be time-consuming process.

To improve efficiency, you can change the function declaration void Func (A & a), because "passing reference" to borrow only what alias parameters only, do not need to create temporary objects. But the function void Func (A & a) there is a drawback: "reference transfer" could change the parameters a, which we do not expect. To solve this problem is easy, you can add const modification, so the function eventually become void Func (const A & a).

And so, it should be void Func (int x) rewritten as void Func (const int & x), in order to improve efficiency? Not necessary, because the internal data structure of type parameter does not exist, the process of destruction, and reproduction is also very fast, "value transfer" and "passing reference" the efficiency of the almost equal.

The problem is so touching, I had to be "const &" the use of modified input parameters to sum up, as shown in Table 11-1-1.

For non-internal data type of input parameters, should be "value transfer" approach to "const reference to pass," aims to improve efficiency. Such as void Func (A a) to void Func (const A & a).

Internal data type for input parameters, not the "value transfer" approach to "const reference to pass." Otherwise, not only fail to improve efficiency, but also reduce the function of intelligibility. For example void Func (int x) should not be changed to void Func (const int & x).

Table 11-1-1 "const &" Modified input parameters of the rules

11.1.2 use the const return value modified

if u give "pointer passed" means plus function return value const modification, then the function returns the value (ie, pointer) of the content can not be modified, the return value can only be assigned to additional modification of the same type const pointer.

For example, the function

const char backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp GetString (void);

Statement will be a compilation error as follows:

char * str = GetString ();

Correct usage is

const char * str = GetString ();

u if the function returns a "value transfer mode", since function will return value copied to an external temporary storage unit, no value added const modified.

For example, not to function int GetInt (void) write const int GetInt (void).

Similarly not to function A GetA (void) write const A GetA (void), in which A is a user-defined data types.

If the return value is not within the data type, the function A GetA (void) rewritten as const A & GetA (void) does improve efficiency. But never, never to be careful at this time, we must find out whether the function returns an object to the "copy" or just return to "Alias" on it, otherwise the process will go wrong. See section 6.2 "Rules of the return value."

u function returns the value a "passing reference" not many occasions, this approach generally appear in the class assignment function, the objective is to achieve chain expression.

Such as

class A


A & operate = (const A & other); / / assign function


A a, b, c; / / a, b, c for the A's object


a = b = c; / / normal chain assignment

(A = b) = c; / / not normal chain assignment, but the legal

If you assign the return value added const modification, then the return value is not allowed to change the content. The above example, the statement a = b = c is still correct, but statement (a = b) = c is illegal.

11.1.3 const member function

Does not modify any data member of the function should be declared as const type. If in the preparation of const member function, accidentally modify data members, or call the other non-const member functions, the compiler will indicate an error, it will undoubtedly improve the process robustness.

The following program, class member function GetCount stack used only for counting, logically, GetCount function should be const. Compiler will point out the error GetCount function.

class Stack



void Push (int elem);

int Pop (void);

int GetCount (void) const; / / const member functions


int m_num;

int m_data [100];


int Stack:: GetCount (void) const

+ + M_num; / / Compile error, attempting to modify the data members of the m_num

Pop (); / / Compile error, attempting to call non-const function

return m_num;


const member function declaration looks strange: const keyword on the function declaration can only be the tail, presumably because other places have been occupied.

11.2 efficiency of the process
Timing of the process efficiency is the speed, efficiency refers to the process of space occupied by the status of memory or external memory.

Overall efficiency is the standing point of the entire system to consider the efficiency of the local efficiency is the point of standing on the module or function to consider efficiency.

11-2-1銆?銆恟ules do not blindly pursue the efficiency of procedures, should meet the accuracy, reliability, robustness, readability, quality factors such as the premise, to efficiency of the process.

11-2-2銆?銆恟ules to improve the overall efficiency of the program mainly to improve the efficiency of the local secondary.

Rule 11-2-3銆?銆恊fficiency in the optimization process, you should first find out the restrictions on the efficiency of the "bottleneck", do not does not matter between optimization.

Rule 11-2-4銆?銆恌irst optimized data structures and algorithms, and then optimize the code.

Rule 11-2-5銆?銆恡ime efficiency and space efficiency is sometimes possible confrontation that should be analyzed at this time is more important to make appropriate trade-off. For example, take some more memory to improve performance.

11-2-6銆?銆恟ules do not pursue a compact code because the code does not produce compact and efficient machine code.

11.3 Some useful suggestions
Beware of those who proposed 11-3-1銆?銆恦isually difficult to distinguish the operator to write error occurred.

We often will "==" write error "=" symbols such as "","&&","<=",">=" also very prone to "throwing a" mistake. However, the compiler does not necessarily automatic that such an error.

11-3-2銆?銆恜roposed variables (pointers, arrays) have been created, initialize them should be promptly, to prevent the uninitialized variable as the right value to use.

Beware of the proposed 11-3-3銆?銆恑nitial value of variables, the default value of the error, or precision is not enough.

Beware of the proposed 11-3-4銆?銆怐ata type conversion error. To make use of explicit data type conversion (to let people know what happened), to prevent the compiler light quietly implicit data type conversions.

Beware of the proposed 11-3-5銆?銆恦ariable overflow or underflow occurs, the array subscript bounds.

Beware of the proposed 11-3-6銆?銆恌orget write error handler, be careful error handling process itself is wrong.

Beware of the proposed 11-3-7銆?銆恌ile I / O errors.

Proposed 11-3-8銆?銆恆void writing skills of a high code.

11-3-9銆?銆恟ecommended not to design every aspect, very flexible data structure.

11-3-10銆?銆恜roposed code quality if the original is better, try to reuse it. However, very bad, do not fix the code, should be re-written.

11-3-11銆?銆恜roposed to make use of standard library functions, not "invention" already exists in the library functions.

11-3-12銆?銆恟ecommended not to use specific hardware or software environment with the closely related variables.

11-3-13銆?銆恟ecommended compiler options to set the most stringent state item.

11-3-14銆?銆恟ecommended, if possible, use the PC-Lint, LogiScope tools such as code review.

[Cline] Marshall P. Cline and Greg A. Lomow, C + + FAQs, Addison-Wesley, 1995

[Eckel] Bruce Eckel, Thinking in C + + (C + + programming ideas, Zong-Tian Liu, M.), Machinery Industry Press, 2000

[Maguire] Steve Maguire, Writing Clean Code (programming essence, Jiang Jingbo, M.), Electronics Industry Press, 1993

[Meyers] Scott Meyers, Effective C + +, Addison-Wesley, 1992

[Murry] Robert B. Murry, C + + Strategies and Tactics, Addison-Wesley, 1993

[Summit] Steve Summit, C Programming FAQs, Addison-Wesley, 1996


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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chemistry teachers and multimedia courseware

Abstract: Reform in the deepening of Chemistry has been inseparable from the multimedia courseware, how to make use of multimedia courseware for the opportunity to produce multimedia courseware, software, multimedia courseware production of chemicals which, how to download chemistry courseware, reading this will understand.

Key words: time for the principle of making software download

With the rapid development of information technology, computer education and teaching on a variety application. Now many schools have built a campus network, and connect with the internet, constitutes a comprehensive, multi-channel, interactive teaching system. Multimedia has become the field of computer applications in education, the new trend. Multimedia technology refers to the computer as the core, the integrated treatment of text, graphics, images, sound, animation and video and other multimedia information, and that these information Jianli Qi logical connections, to express a richer, more complex Sixiang or method, such teaching information can act on the students in a short time all the senses, so that students produce a profound feeling of unprecedented use of the CAI multimedia courseware is an ideal modern teaching methods. I was a teaching for more than ten years of chemistry teachers, two years active research and studying multimedia technology and its applications, some experience and lessons learned, here are the views of my shallow for colleagues 鍙傝?.

First, the use of multimedia courseware for chemistry teaching time

1, microscopic particle motion. Chemistry is the study of molecular, atomic and extranuclear electron and other particles sports science, and movement of microscopic particles is the meat eyes do not see the hand touched, usually we only have the help of charts and models, through our teachers explain and make students understand. The process of particle movement and change can not fully display, for example, junior chemical decomposition of water, hydrogen reduction of copper oxide and other real experiments have shown that perception can not once and for all junior high school students to master, but with a separate multimedia courseware simulation particles and integration process, it enables students to quickly understanding and acceptance. High school chemistry, crystal structure, organic molecular structure, isomers, cis and trans isomers, chiral carbon hybrid orbital, 蟺-bond, electrolytic cell theory, the original battery principle, elimination reactions, addition reactions, esterification , polymerization, colloid dialysis and electrophoresis, etc., can be used to simulate multi-media courseware. I was struck by the knowledge that the crystal structure, usually the contents of two or three lessons, and now spend multimedia courseware, only one class will be able to fully explain, and works well. Such as sodium chloride crystal lattice in a number of sodium ions, the number of chloride ions, sodium ions surrounded by a distance equal to the sodium ion and the recent number of issues, almost no waste of breath, students will be able to find out.

2, toxic, harmful and can not be completed in a short time experiment. Such as gel electrophoresis, the nature and Production of hydrogen sulfide, CO, SO2, Cl2 and other toxicity.

3, error in laboratory consequences. Such as hydrogen reduction of copper oxide through hydrogen when heated first, add water to dilute concentrated sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid, taken with a Kipp generator system, such as acetylene.

4, the chemical production process of macro-presentation. Contact with the legal system as sulfuric acid, ammonia oxidation and nitric.

Second, for production of chemicals commonly used software, multimedia courseware and function Introduction

Production of multimedia courseware for the chemical commonly used software are: Authorware, Director, Founder Author, Flash, 3Dmax so. I rather like is Authorware, Flash, 3Dmax three kinds of software. Authorware is a powerful mix of media tools, able to text, images, sound, animation, video and other organically combined, and has a wealth of interactive features, all material prepared for later in combination. Flash is one simple and easy-to-plane animation tool for particle motion in the plane to do some demo. 3Dmax is a large-scale software, 3D modeling and animation capabilities are incomparable and are generally used for doing the spatial structure of organic compounds, isomers, crystal structure and other space demanding courseware.

Third, the principle of Multimedia Courseware

Multimedia Chemistry teaching process consists of four elements: teachers, students, teaching materials and multimedia. Four elements of interrelated constraints, forming an organic whole, to achieve satisfactory teaching results, we must correctly handle the relationship between the four elements. According to Piaget's constructivist learning theory: teachers are the organizers of the process of teaching, guidance and knowledge, meaning construction of the helper, facilitator, rather than take the initiative to educate those who teach knowledge; students are active constructors of knowledge meaning rather than passive recipients of external stimuli, the object of inculcating knowledge; materials provided in the active construction of knowledge is the object of the students, not teachers, the content to students; media is the creation of learning situations, students active learning, collaboration, to explore and complete knowledge of the cognitive tools to construct meaning, rather than teachers to provide pupils with the means and methods used.

Thus, CAI multimedia chemistry teaching can not replace the teachers to teach the simple, still have to give full play to the leading teachers and students in the main role, while highlighting the capabilities of multimedia teaching aids. Only deal with the relationship between these four elements in order to correct positioning of Multimedia Courseware in high school chemistry teaching position and role, it is apparent multimedia courseware should follow the following principles:

1, multimedia courseware to highlight teaching points, breaking the difficulty of teaching tools for those who can use common media such as models, charts, etc. need not be used to achieve the display of multimedia courseware. Should handle the use of multimedia courseware for teaching and teaching of traditional media relations, chalk and blackboard is still our teacher's main teaching tool, we should be the crowning touch of multimedia courseware for teaching.

2, can demonstrate the general chemistry class experiment with video or animation can not be replaced. Experimental media is replaced by any other media can not, it can observe the ability of students, ability, analytical skills and teamwork spirit, experiment is the most direct and vivid media, chemistry teachers are not bartering can do experiments and to give up Chuishou to use computer simulation.

3, multimedia courseware should be small "positive conditions" as the main form. Multimedia courseware well, it should be for everyone to use, not for teaching ideas and classroom differences in the structure of conflict. That is a difficult one corresponding courseware, teaching ideas have changed, changed class structure, courseware can still be used, only such courseware will have a strong vitality, will be extended. Many currently on the market in large scale courseware can not be the reason for this.

4, courseware should have good interaction. Some teachers make courseware, it will be a whole class teaching content, teaching procedures, and all woven into the blackboard, etc., in class the teacher simply press the mouse all the way "next" go, although many provincial King, but too little interaction, is still "indoctrination type "effect is not good teaching. Particular type of exercise self-learning courseware, should have good interaction and feedback functions.

Fourth, study the method of multimedia courseware

Secondary school teachers in addition to computer science teachers, generally not familiar with the programming language, so the real programming language courseware directly very little of several software described above does not require its entry-based programming, such as Authorware, which is a kind of icon-oriented programming tools, it is easy to grasp, and to buy an appropriate book, the book's examples were, generally a week or so you can grasp, if expert guidance, can learn a about three days. Of course, handy to be able to comfortably ease to use, but also a lot of practice. Learning generally so other software, including Flash learning time to be shorter, 3Dmax be longer.

5, the source of multimedia courseware

Multimedia is simply the source of two aspects: First, to produce their own, second is downloaded. Through their own ideas and creativity to produce courseware that wisdom is the fruit of their labors, we should be able to produce a good multimedia courseware for the proud. However, completion of possible time constraints, energy limited, the limitation of foreign language proficiency or even entirely by its own end is a small number of courseware produced a large number of courseware also need to go online to download or secondary development. Internet realize sharing of resources, we chemistry teachers should be able to make full use of network resources for their teaching services, teaching and difficult to resolve even with a number of courseware can be found, we need more to absorb, use, improvement and development. Of course, do not forget to hang your own editing software and the Internet for reference and download colleagues, "I am for all, all for one" is common to follow our guidelines.

6, common courseware download site:

1, 2, high school chemistry teaching resources, people to teach web - High School Chemistry 3, CAI teaching - network exchange 4, 5 books forest walk, lotus and other CAI.


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Monday, September 20, 2010

MacTel impact WinTel

MacTel = Mac + Intel, is impacting the well-known WinTel.

Old Bill introduced Windows 3.0 in 1990, the moment, WinTel experiencing pain after 5 years was finally stable. After 20 years in the years, there has been no real threat to the strength of its foundation.

January 10, Jobs announced the Mac World last two marked "Intel Core Duo", a Mac running Mac OS machine. This is the first time in history, some manufacturers have adopted Intel processors and not dare to launch Windows-running PC. Such a cool thing, except no one dared to Jobs.

MacTel WinTel What will the impact?

The fact that playback
Week, the world body to get a test prototype, the evaluation has published their own report and comments.

According to Macworld test, iMac Core Duo comprehensive than iMac G5, running iMove rate of 1.84 times for the iMac G5, close to Steve Jobs claimed: "speed up the past two times." Nikkei BP testers wrote: "start very fast. From the power to burst open," Qiang "was about 5 seconds, then after about 20 seconds to display the progress bar. And then, instantly showing the desktop," "HD smooth playback of video was amazing. "

In order to run in the iMac Core Duo iMac G5 version of the application code execution, Apple supplied Rosetta emulator. According to Macworld test, iTunes iMac G5 speed under 66%, Photoshop is 55%. Jobs said this at the press conference, general users to use enough.

Nikkei BP reporters, iMac Core Duo does not have Intel Inside, Centrino Duo and Intel ViiV standards such as the identity. Box bears a completely Apple-style "Intel Core Duo" logo. "Apple design" is impressively printed on the iMac Core Duo.

iMac Core Duo announcement after the heated discussion in the industry to run Windows in its possibilities. Many tests show that the iMac Core Duo can not run Windows XP. Technical experts, iMac Core Duo for UEFI (United Extensible Firmware Interface, Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) block the operating system other than Mac OS. Experts point out that as long as the change UEFI firmware, you can run other operating systems.

Macnn reported: "Microsoft said it is working with Apple co-operation, will Virtual PC to Intel Mac platform." Microsoft Virtual PC is a virtual environment based on Intel processors, can run multiple operating systems on it, Intel pledged to support processor-level virtual technology. The Apple director, said this: "We did not take any action to prevent or encourage this." One thing is clear, iMac Core Duo has the potential to run multiple operating systems.

Finally, the computer lab experts evaluating the world, Intel Mac machine's price and the same configuration of PC and laptop machines rather, not expensive. According to research firm iSupply analysis of 1,299 U.S. dollars iMac Core Duo manufacturing cost 898 U.S. dollars.

Three shocks
iMac Core Duo has been placed in front of the user, who can only face all the WinTel, fight.

Wintel's vulgar temperament and different, MacTel is a high-level artistic temperament and style of products. Throughout the industry, manufacturers rely on third-manufacturing companies rely on second-rate technology, first-class manufacturers rely on Art. MacTel appearance, open the PC and notebook artistic era. In the art of the times, why should the user choose vulgar? WinTel we all will make the individual a bit technical, who art?

MacTel has the potential to run multiple operating systems. If that day comes, only the function of running Mac Mac OS, Windows and Linux, and three OS on top of rich applications. Wintel PC can run most Windows and Linux. Stronger than the 32-bit 64-bit, 2GHz stronger than 1GHz. Decimal better than large numbers, women and children to know the IT Law. Once the user understand MacTel are three kinds of OS, WinTel only two words how do?

From the cost analysis shows, MacTel considerable room for price cuts, have more room to deal with price wars. Jobs in particular, taught to play low-cost iPod games. Even the price war is immune dominant, WinTel how to do?

Although the Mac, only 4% market share, if three to five years as the iPod, like Rounds, Old Devil A point would not be surprised.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visuanl C # 2005 Quick Start of the while statement (1)

Use while statements can be true in a Boolean expression is subject to repeat the run a statement.
while statement syntax is as follows:
while (booleanExpression)


First, the Boolean expression will be evaluated, if it is true, on the run statement, then the Boolean expression is evaluated again. If the expression is still true, to run the statement again, and again the expression is evaluated. This process will continue repeatedly until the boolean expression evaluates to false; time, while statement will exit, and from the first statement after the while continue. while statement syntax with if statements have many similarities (in fact, in addition to the two different keywords, the syntax is exactly the same):

鈼?expression must be a Boolean expression.

鈼?Boolean expression must be placed within parentheses.

鈼?If the first value, the Boolean expression is false, statement is not run.

鈼?If you want to in a while under the control of the implementation of two or more statements, you must use braces to group into a block statement.

The following while statement is written to the console the value 0 to 9:
int i = 0;

while (i! = 10)


Console.WriteLine (i);

i + +;


All the while statement should be terminated at some point. Novice common mistake is to forget to add a special statement, it would eventually result in a Boolean expression evaluates to false and terminate the cycle. In the example, i + +; on this situation.

Note that while loop variable i controls the final number of cycles. This is a very popular representation, has the effect of the variable is sometimes called the sentinel variable (Sentinel variable).

In the following exercise, preparing to write a while loop, it is time to read from a source file line content, and write each line of a text box.

鈼?use the while statement

1. WhileStatement open Visual Studio 2005 project, which is located in My Documents folder under the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 5WhileStatement subfolders.

2. Select "Debug" | "to start (not debugging)."

Visual Studio 2005 to build and run the Windows application. Application itself is a simple text file viewer that allows you to select a file to display its contents.

3. Click the "Open File" (Open File) button.

Then there are "Open" dialog box

4. Switch to the My Documents folder under the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step by Step Chapter 5WhileStatementWhileStatement subfolders.

5. Select the Form1.cs file, and then click "Open."

Form1.cs file name will be displayed in small text box, but the contents of the file does not display in the large text box. This is because we have not achieved the appropriate code to read the contents of the source file and display those in the large text box contents. The following steps will add this feature.

6. Close the form, return to Visual Studio 2005.

7. In the "Code and Text Editor" window displays the file Form1.cs code, find openFileDialog_FileOk method.

Users in the "Open" dialog box, select a file, and click "Open" button, call the method. Method is currently the subject:
string fullPathname = openFileDialog.FileName;

FileInfo src = new FileInfo (fullPathname);

filename.Text = src.Name;

/ Bin / boot / dev / etc / home / lib / lost + found / media / misc / mnt / net / opt / proc / root / sbin / selinux / srv / sys / tmp / u01 / usr / var / vmware add while loop here backup / bin / conf / data / log / maint / svn / tmp /

The first statement declares a string variable, named fullPathname, and it is initialized to openFileDialog object FileName property. The statement fullPathname initialized to "Open" dialog box, select the source file's full name (including path).

Note openFileDialog object is from the "toolbox" of selected components of an instance of the OpenFileDialog. This component provides the methods used, you can display to the user a standard Windows "Open" dialog box, allowing users to choose a file, and get selected file name and path.


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