Monday, October 25, 2010

"The Sims 3" Characteristics of impact event list (all)

To make the game more convenient for players, where a total of 63 games finishing the characteristics of events. Should be basically complete the.


- Logic, accelerated learning

- Like chess and thinking depth under the accelerated upgrade


Born chef:

- Cooking skills, accelerated learning

- Easy to make high-quality food

- Cooking will not cause a fire


Easily excited:

- The completion of some basic action in life will be very excited and yelling (easier to get from the expectation to meet)


- Repair objects will not fail

- Smart accelerated learning skills

- Effect of increased maintenance and repair items are ever the same with the new

Green Thumb:

- Accelerated learning gardening skills

- Easy to make crops grow high quality fruit


- Gardening skills to some extent the plant after the resurrection could wither


- Will become increasingly forgetful, forget what they are doing and what to do

銆??鐤媯锛?br />
- Tiaoyi Fu will be completely ignored when the occasion to pick out their clothes pleasing to the eye

銆??-鏈熸湜骞朵笉姘歌繙閮芥槸鍚堢悊鐨勶紝浼氭湁涓?簺鑾悕鍏跺鐨勬湡鏈涘嚭鐜?br />
- Click your Sims will be "himself" option


- Occasionally out of control


- Extend the time required for the release of pressure, but can be simulated with other people through dialogue and select "share the pressure" to release pressure quickly

- Will not feel sad or angry, only nervous


- Read faster

- Access to entertainment when reading the index to increase

- Easier to write high-quality novel

- Speeding up the completion of homework

- Learning skills in the library reading speed increase

There art:

- Good at drawing, and painting faster and better

- Writing skills, accelerated learning

- Accelerated learning guitar

- Like staying Gallery


- In any emergency incident will not panic

- Can easily cope with a house fire

- No need to rely on the police can deal with thieves

- Military and law enforcement in the performance of better career

銆??涓嶅垢锛?br />
- Encounter all kinds of misfortune, such as fire, theft, failure, what damage will lose everything ... ... In short what might be lost

Can not stand art:

- When viewing any work of art are likely to have negative mood index

- Like living in any home decoration

Music Master:

- Play the guitar skills to learn more quickly

- Out performances will be more tips

Computer genius:

- Night (20:00) after the can to hacking, to gain money

- Like to play computer games

- The computer easier to make friends

- When the computer to play chess, logic skills, faster upgrades


- Pack order will automatically go to clean things, it will automatically wash their hands after

- Will get clean fun, and will clean up better

- In a bad mood can also go to clean up (without this feature, will not clean up bad mood)

Never naked:

- Even in the bath is not going to take off clothing (would be wearing a swimsuit)




- Even with the noise of music and children still asleep

- Even if a house fire or a thief invasion also still asleep ... ...


- Have gains in business is easy



- Can not easily be robbed


- Very easy to make dirty, do not take the initiative to clean up anything, but even in dirty environments and will not fall mood

- Lick the plate can reduce hunger ... ...

銆??-鍚冨彉璐ㄦ垨鐑х劍鐨勪笢瑗夸篃涓嶄細鍧忚倸瀛愨?鈥?br />

- Do not agile, easy to spoil things, burning food, so that the collapse of other people around


- Motor Learning faster

銆??-閿荤偧鏃朵笉鏄撴劅鍒扮柌鍔?br />
- Love to talk about sports


- Afraid of the dark, to the place where no light will be bad mood

銆??-涓嶅枩娆㈣鍏朵粬浜哄悡鍞?br />
- Of an emergency may escape

Light sleep by:

- It could easily be awakened

- Once a thief will immediately close to the bounce from the bed

TV fans:


銆??-鐪嬬數瑙嗘墍鑾峰緱鐨勫ū涔愭寚鏁板鍔?br />
- Like the lie-in

- Firmly resist Sports

Do not like children:

- Surrounded by children will be poor when the mood

- Ignore the child's interactive requirements

- The child will automatically "Hush go"


- Like to gloat

銆??-涔拌吹閲嶄笢瑗夸細鑾峰緱濂藉績鎯?br />
- Look in the mirror will be an additional incentive mood index

- Like in a room filled with mirrors

Networking skills and sophisticated by:

- Communication with the boss and colleagues will be more closely degree increase

- Increase the boss and colleagues with the option to chat

銆??-涓庡叾浠栦汉浜ゆ祦鏃跺鍔犫?璧炵編鈥濅笌鈥滃鎵库?鐨勯?椤?br />

銆??鍙嬪杽锛?br />
- Others were "friendly" class effect of the interaction request better

- Other people will not repeat the tired topic

銆??璋冩儏锛?br />

- Flirting is more easily acceptable to others

- The effect of massage to enhance others

銆??鎺ュ惢楂樻墜锛?br />
- Kissing ability to surge

Mooch master:

- Have the opportunity to take money from others

- Go to someone's home when the opportunity to easily take away food in the fridge

銆??-鏈夋満浼氭嬁鍒颁粬浜鸿韩涓婃垨鎵嬮噷鐨勯鐗?br />
銆??鎬ф儏鏆磋簛锛?br />
- Get up every morning will be severely upset

- Difficult to obtain a good mood

銆??鍧忓績涓嬫祦锛?br />
- Enemies more, the merrier

- Usually win a fight


銆??-鐙鏃跺績鎯呮渶浣筹紝涓斾細鑾峰緱鈥滀韩鍙楀鍗曗?鐨勯澶栧績鎯呮寚鏁板姞鎴?br />
- Social index fell hard

- Like play time in their bedroom, and not go to public places

No mood:

- Never take the initiative to flirt, unless very much like each other

Excellent sense of humor:

- Jokes people laugh more easily

- Relationships jokes to increase more


- Always insult others

- Always dressed in a number of occasions the occasion of the clothing is not suitable

- Can advance a "kiss", "tickle" and even "marry" and other actions

- Increased interaction with others "ridicule" option

Did not play:

- Later than the ordinary people dare to make some moves close to others

- Difficulties at work on Xiangtiao Cao

Lack of sense of humor:

銆??-涓嶅枩娆㈢瑧璇?br />
Running lie master:

- Organize banquets, called Who, who would have to

- Come to the party of the people there have to bring some gifts

- Banquet process with others to "cheering" that an interaction


銆??-鎵嬫皵寰堣儗锛屽共浠?箞鐮镐粈涔堬紝鏀嚎浠诲姟鐨勬垚鍔熺巼灏扁?鈥?br />
Hopeless romantic:

- Others more receptive to your romantic

- Are in the middle of a lot like the romantic, the mood will be good

- Like to read romantic novels


- On any matter will leave a deep impression, you see a scene and see a house that a person will get a good mood

Unease at:

銆??-韬瀹ゅ灏变細鑾峰緱濂藉績鎯?br />
- Effects of fishing and gardening skills to increase

銆??鍠勮壇锛?br />
- Tap the door of the mailbox will automatically contribute to charity

- Do not want to deal with the malicious act of others



銆??-鍋氱殑澶ч儴鍒嗕簨鎯呰姣旀櫘閫氫汉鍋氬緱濂斤紝浣嗚姳璐圭殑鏃堕棿涔熸洿澶氫竴浜?br />

- Easy to make a high level of cuisine

- Easy to write a novel high

銆??榄呭姏婊$偣锛?br />
- Charm skills to increase learning speed

- Other people prefer to say you

銆??-璇磋瘽缁濅笉浼氳浜烘劅鍒版棤瓒?br />
- Easier to make friends


- Like to play toy for children, and will be a good mood

- More like something interesting

- Fishing in pond


- Easier to get a promotion and pay rise

- In the course of their work will be "like work" mood index plus the additional

- A computer at home can work

銆??鎰熸儏涓板瘜锛?br />
- Easier to find the beauty of life, and even crying tears of pleasure

- More vulnerable to the impact of mood index

Technology products discomfort:

- Watching TV is not happy

- Fear of computer

- To smash the electronic products ... ...

銆??鏄撴?锛?br />
- Do not feel sad or uncomfortable, replaced by - rage

- What can I do to break things or will let you mess with your rage


- Born with the habit of stealing

Hate Outdoor:

- Once the door step there will be "tortured by nature," the mood index, resulting in a good mood

- Like indoor activities


- Will be "vegetarian" means the additional cooking

- Is said to live longer ... ...

Emboldened by:

- Normal activities can become extreme

- Like playing with fire, but will promptly extinguished before causing an accident


- To collect coupons from the newspaper

- When shopping with coupons will be given "access discount" mood plus additional

- Buy discount items will become good mood


- Unfortunately, near the other person, you will feel very happy

- The room did not light it does not matter

- Distinguished career in crime

銆??-鍦ㄦ墦鏂椾腑缁忓父浼氬叏韬?閫?br />

- Better results with family members to exchange

- Good education, infant

- Desire to have children and grandchildren


- You want promoted, and rose rapidly


- Because life-long dreams and happiness to increase access to


- Fishing fishing faster

- Fishing will be fun

銆??-鍦ㄥ帇鍔涗箣涓嬩篃鑳介挀楸?br />
- More and more like fishing!


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